
Customer Satisfaction Evaluation

Hello all, we are using a three question optional survey, sent automatically to each user after their ticket is closed.
These are the questions:
1 - How do you evaluate the ticket resolution?
2 - How do you evaluate the time required to solve your request?
3 - How do you evaluate the technician that worked on your request?
The user can rate it on a scale from 1 to 7 being 1 the worst and 7 the best.

1) I would greatly appreciate it if you tell me what you think about these questions and the rating mechanism being used?
2) What do you think we should do in order to encourage the user to answer the survey.

Thanks in advance

Juan Ignacio Staricco

These are some of the replies we got from senior itilers:

1-You may or may not agree,but I would make the questions a bit more user friendly, especially the first 2 questions, for example,the issue was resolved well and The issue was resolved in a timely manner
How about a lucky draw prize for one lucky survey respondent? Even if it's a box of KK Donuts

2-You sell the benefits to the customer (senior managers) first, not the users. The nuisance value has to be compensated by real benefits (service improvements?) Then these senior managers will encourage their staff to respond.
You make it easy to do. good online design helps. But you keep it business-like.
You publish regular reports (graphs are good), including the service review deliberations on the figures. This shows you are engaged and listening.
You stick to the same questions until a good reason comes for adding or removing one or more and then you explain the reasons.
I'm not good at gimmicks (I don't like doing them and I hate being on the receiving end, but that's just me). If you can do it right ... go ahead. It works for some.
Don't always spin the results into "good" news. People remember the bad days and so you might as well acknowledge them.
Your questionnaires and your reports should always make people feel involved.

3-This type of survey is very dangerous as it might lead you to wrong decisions:
There should be SLAs in place that normally lead the way you handle tickets. These SLAs should have been built taking into account how much your customer is willing to pay for the service, which is usually lower than what he would need to pay to make the users happy.
Therefore, if you dont recall in the question what the SLA for that spécific case was, you might get an answer to A: "how was the service vs what I hope" rather than to B: "how was the service vs what I am entitled to expect".
unless you want to measure whether the SLA can meet users' expectations, getting an answer to A when you want to measure your performance towards B is very misleading.

4-First off I would only give a rating of 1-5. Easier to run your stats through and 1 does not seem as bad on the lower scale
It is very difficult to survey without leading the questions or resulting in people marking extremes. If it was OK they mark 5, if it was not so good 1.
I ask users to simply rate the quality of the service with a 1 to 5 star rating. It sums up experience in one end user click on closure of a ticket. I think the "Itunes", "Twitter" and "Facebook' savvy end users at my site like this and we get 90% response rate on the rating. Anything that takes more than a quick click is usually ignored (unless they have something negative to say).
However you may wish more from your survey and if you do, I would aim to send only one more extensive survey each year - rather than the multi choice on each closure.
Only my personal view though. I am not a big fan of any sort of survey (unless you need to justify your existence as master of surveys!

Any other comments will be more than welcome so please feel free to do so.
The ItilExpress Team

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